Online Zoom and YouTube Presentation by Renee Lynn Sun July 19, 2020 starting at 0200 PM (PDT) Topic: Why I am Hindu?


Renne Lynn

Please try to watch this video prior to lecture to know the speaker and the background of the lecture 

Online Zoom and YouTube Presentation by
Renee Lynn
Sun July 19, 2020  starting at  0200 PM  (PDT)

Topic: Why I am Hindu? 

YouTube Live
 Zoom Meeting

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Biographic Note
 Renee Lynn is an Activist, Published Author, Columnist and Founder ©Voice for India. Renee Lynn was born and raised in New Jersey. She has been best known for raising issues and awareness about Indian political and social issues. While traveling all over the world, she has seen many different cultures, which was one of the best experiences of her life, India being the most life-changing.
She has appeared in numerous news media. Renee Lynn exposes the media and propaganda against India. In her book, India Stripped, she investigated the mainstream media and tells the world about the real India. Her passion for getting the truth out about India is perpetual.

Mission Statement of Bharatiya Vichar Manch: To promote dialogue by which Dharmic philosophy, culture, and traditions can positively influence global thought and action.

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