Online Zoom and YouTube Live Presentation by Shefali Vaidya Sun June 14, 2020 starting at 630 PM (PDT)

Online Zoom and YouTube Live Presentation by
Shefali Vaidya

Sun June 14, 2020  starting at  630 PM  (PDT)
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Topic: "Hatred and Hypocrisy  - The Face Of ‘Liberalism’ in India!"
Time: June 14, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

 Biographic Note
Shefali Vaidya is an award-winning author, newspaper columnist and a social media influencer. She is followed by more than half a million people on social media and is a familiar face on TV debates. She has worked with both traditional and new media and has been involved in television programming and content management for websites and writing for magazines and newspapers. She is associated as an Editorial Consultant with a Pune based Digital Media outfit, Ritam.

Shefali writes on travel, history, parenting, temple architecture, Indian textiles as well as on Dharma and politics. She has her own bilingual V-log, Shef’s Special. Shefali holds a Masters degree in Mass Communications from the University of  Pune, an advanced post-graduate diploma in Spanish language and a post-graduate diploma in Indology. Shefali is an Ananta Leadership Fellow.

Shefali is currently writing a book in English on Goan history. Her first Marathi book on parenting #GhaarHindateAkashi was published in February 2019 and is a best-seller. She lives in Pune with her family.

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Mission Statement of Bharatiya Vichar Manch: To promote dialogue by which Dharmic philosophy, culture, and traditions can positively influence global thought and action.

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