Vedic Dharmic Gyana-Vigyana Versus Contemporary Scientific Paradigms: A journey through some foundational ideas, and reflections on Hindu civilizational failings

Speaker: Professor (Emeritus) Shive K. Chaturvedi

Topic: Vedic Dharmic Gyana-Vigyana Versus Contemporary Scientific Paradigms: A journey through some foundational ideas, and reflections on Hindu civilizational failings

Date/Venue:  January 26, 2020 at Cerritos Library 1:30 PM - 3 PM @ Skyline Room, Cerritos Public Library, 18025 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos, CA, 90703


It is well recognized that foundational concepts/ideas are the shapers and movers of the world, human as well as natural. This talk intends to focus on a few foundational ideas related to the medical and physical sciences, representative from the Vedic Dharmic Traditions, in order to compare and contrast with the corresponding contemporary scientific paradigms and observations. However, the talk will not focus on technological developments based on those ideas/paradigms.

Some comparative assessment of a few significant limitations of prevailing scientific paradigms will also be brought out. We will also have a discussion about why, and how Hindu civilization failed to successfully participate in bringing out the scientific revolution and is still failing to lead the new potential revolution in the making. Hindu civilization was way ahead of its time until about the 16-17th century. However, lack of further development and innovations cannot be attributed to only external invading political forces, but also to internal forces that led to the grave failure of Hindu collective consciousness.

This journey sincerely invites you to participate. It may surprise you; may challenge you; may shock you; may provoke you; may educate you; may excite you; may transform you; may lead you to see wonder and beauty.

About the Speaker:

Professor (Emeritus) Shive K. Chaturvedi was a faculty in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Geodetic Science at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. He was also an adjunct graduate faculty in Biomedical Engineering as well as in Comparative studies in Humanities. His research contributions and interests include the foundational issues in almost all the fields – sciences and technology; arts and aesthetics, and Natyashastra and Indian classical and folk music; humanities, ethics, morals, theism, atheisms and secularism and Humanism. He has made more than one hundred presentations, publications on Hindu wisdom traditions in National and International conferences and has also given lectures using English and Hindi languages in various churches, synagogue, temples, schools, universities, and private homes. He has delved deeply into comparative understanding of Ancient Greek knowledge traditions, Abrahamic Religious traditions, as well as other Asian and African Intellectual traditions.
His latest publication on Hindu Dharma has appeared in the book, “Religions in Ohio”. He is currently engaged in germinating a kind of renaissance in Vedic wisdom through researching, reexamining, rearticulating and unfolding of the hidden seeds of wisdom scattered throughout the Vedic and other Indic traditions starting with the Rig-Veda. He strongly believes that the ancient wisdom needs to be brought out in new forms (ontological, epistemological, and pedagogical) to reestablish its potential connections and correlations, and relevance with contemporary human experiences encompassing all fields of knowledge.
Dr. Chaturvedi is a member of many educational and dharmic organizations. He has served also Bharatiya Hindu Temple of Columbus in various capacities, including a guide and educator for community education and also as a coordinator for some major temple festivals. He strives to live his intellectual and family life with simplicity and austerity, and practices meditation and various types of yoga including Seva-yoga -selfless service to humanity.
Dr. Chaturvedi also writes poems, songs, and essays in Hindi, and does the singing as well. Here is a brief list of his recent presentations.
1.    Lokasangraha Karmayoga-Dharma: Structure, Meanings, and Purpose- A            Wake-up call, Bhartiya Vichar Manch, September 1, 2019, Cerritos, CA.
2.    Health, Healing, and Yoga Body. King George Medical University, Lucknow,         Feb.12, 2019.
3.    My (a bucolic) Intellectual Journey From IIT-Kanpur through American                  Academy and Intellectual World: Critical Lessons,IIT Kanpur- Feb. 15, 2019.
4.    Health, Healing, and Yoga Traditions: New Dimensions, Club, Ghaziabad,           March 17, 2019.
5.    Murtipuja-Yoga-Dharma: Foundational Principles, Structure, Meanings and           Purpose: SRIJAN Foundation, New Delhi, March 23, 2019.
6.   On Bhagavad Gita: Practicality and Contemporary Expectation, WAVES              (Wider Association for Vedic Studies), Delhi University, March, 27, 2019.          

Mission Statement of Bharatiya Vichar Manch: To promote dialogue by which Dharmic philosophy, culture, and traditions can positively influence global thought and action.

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All lectures are free of cost, including free parking.  Lectures are normally 40-50 minutes long followed by 30-40 minutes of Q & A session. 


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