Speaker: Chaitanya Davé Topic: Replacing Casino Capitalism with sensible economic system

Speaker: Chaitanya Davé
Replacing Casino Capitalism with sensible economic system

Date/Venue:  October 6, 2019  (Sun) 1:30 PM - 3 PM @ Skyline Room, Cerritos Public Library, 18025 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos, CA, 90703

Capitalism, to quench its voracious appetite, is devouring global resources at an unparalleled rate while exploiting millions of poor people in America and billions around the world. In its March of Folly, capitalism is devastating forests and earth’s eco-systems while polluting planet’s environment, oceans, rivers and soil.  This obsolete economic system, being the single biggest driver of climate change--if not stopped and replaced--will ultimately destroy humanity itself along with all the living species of the planet earth.  Ecological collapse is certain if capitalism continues unabated. Today, the greatest threat facing humanity is climate change and the biggest contributor to it is global capitalism. Ecological crisis is the greatest manifestation of capitalist threat. In America, imposed on its people for more than two centuries, the unbridled capitalism has enabled few individuals to amass unimaginable fortunes at the expense of millions of its people who wallow in poverty. Enormous wealth has enabled these individuals to hijack American democracy and establish an oligarchy.  Simply put, capitalism is undemocratic, anti-people, anti-environment and unsustainable. Capitalism’s crusade around the world--if not stopped and replaced with a modern economic system that is people and nature-friendly and sustainable --will destroy humanity itself along with all other living species of this beautiful planet. Chaitanya Davé describes in detail the fatal flaws of this outdated economic system that has been imposed on us. He understands that we cannot solve ecological crisis without confronting capitalism. He knows that capitalism has become a failed system in terms of economy, ecology and peoples’ welfare. He proposes a new democratic economy that is fair, people-friendly, sustainable and in harmony with nature.

About Speaker:
Chaitanya Davé, born in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India, is an author, the Founder of Pragati Foundation, an Industrialist, a social activist, a highly progressive individual and an environmentalist; lives with his wife Amita in California, USA. He has spent 15 years researching Climate Change causes and outcomes.

After getting his B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from University of Bombay, he came to USA and attended New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico and graduated with B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 1969. Started his own company in 1980 manufacturing metal finishing chemical products. The company is well established and is still running successfully.

He is founder/president of a non-profit charity organization named ‘Pragati’, based in Southern California and Hemubhai Rural Development Foundation based in India. The foundation has done rural developmental work in villages in India since 1993. He has traveled extensively all over the world and runs a non-profit rural development foundation. 

On December 2013, Chaitanya Dave met in person with the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Narendrabhai Modi, about six months before he became the prime minister of the largest democracy in the world, India.

Early on Chaitanya Dave learned that only through good education and focused hard work can one come up in life. That is what he did developing his successful metal finishing company against all odds and very little money, in Los Angeles in 1980. He learned that there is no substitute for hard work. He derived these and other principles from great men like Mahatma Gandhiji and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

Mr Davé has authored three books:

    CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: A Shocking Record of US Crimes since 1776 (Nov. 2007)
    COLLAPSE: Civilization on the Brink (June 2010), and
    MONUMENTAL SHIFT: Creating a New Economy with Genuine Democracy. (2016)

Mission Statement of Bharatiya Vichar Manch: To promote dialogue by which Dharmic philosophy, culture, and traditions can positively influence global thought and action.

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