Speaker: Koenraad Elst Topic: Dhimmitude among Hindus- Loss, History, Causation & Remedy Date/Venue: June 9th, 2019 @ Gayatri Chetna Center, 2446 W Orange Ave, Anaheim, CA 92804

Koenraad Elst - Dhimmitude among Hindus- Loss, History, Causation & Remedy


June 9, 2019 @ Gayatri Chetna Center,

2446 W Orange Ave, Anaheim, CA 92804

Time: 130 PM - 3 PM

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Koenraad Elst




Speaker: Koenraad Elst
Topic: Dhimmitude among Hindus- Loss, History, Causation & Remedy

Date/Venue:  June 9th, 2019 @ Gayatri Chetna Center,
2446 W Orange Ave, Anaheim, CA 92804

Time: 130 PM - 3 PM  
Please note change in venue.

The term "Dhimmitude" was coined by  Egyptian-born British writer Bat Ye'or  for Jews and Christians ("people of the book"), who are allowed to live as second-class citizens ("Dhimmis") in an Islamic state. Dhimmitude is a psychological condition where the slave subjects, viz. Dhimmis, develop a liking for their own tormentors, viz. their masters. Not only they defend the atrocities of their masters, but go to great lengths in finding faults with themselves to rationalize their behavior. Hindus, though technically being Kafirs, i.e. not Dhimmis, have developed and internalized the same attitudes as Jews and Christians vis-a-vis Islam, in the long period of their experience with Islam. The earliest known acts of Dhimmitude were exemplified by Rajputs who fought for Mughals and built up the Mughal Empire. The the medieval period Persian language, dress and mores were internalized and glorified by Hindus. In modern period, the same Dhimmitude has been exhibited by Indian Independence leaders by supporting the Khilafat movement, accepting the partition of Mother India. In Indian politics, Dhimmitude is exhibited by the politics of appeasement. Dhimmitude is reflected in the Indian Constitution by its Articles 29 and 30. Dr. Koenraad Elst, the author of "Negationism in India: Concealing The Record of Islam" - one of the rare thinker-writers who exposed Dhimmitude among Indian intelligentsia - will expound on the history of Dhimmitude among Hindus, the losses incurred by it, the causative factors thereof, and possible ways to get out of this predicament.

About the Speaker:

Koenraad Elst (°Leuven 1959) distinguished himself early on as eager to learn and to dissent. After a few hippie years he studied at the KU Leuven, obtaining MA degrees in Sinology, Indology and Philosophy. After a research stay at Benares Hindu University he did original fieldwork for a doctorate on Hindu nationalism, which he obtained magna cum laude in 1998. As an independent researcher he earned laurels and ostracism with his findings on hot items like Islam, multiculturalism and the secular state, the roots of Indo-European, the Ayodhya temple/mosque dispute and Mahatma Gandhi's legacy. He also published on the interface of religion and politics, correlative cosmologies, the dark side of Buddhism, the reinvention of Hinduism, technical points of Indian and Chinese philosophies, various language policy issues, Maoism, the renewed relevance of Confucius in conservatism, the increasing Asian stamp on integrating world civilization, direct democracy, the defence of threatened freedoms, and the Belgian question. Regarding religion, he combines human sympathy with substantive skepticism.

Books Written by the speaker:

1.    Hindu Dharma and the Culture Wars
2.    The argumentative Hindu : essays by a non-affiliated orientalist
3.    Ayodhya : the case against the temple
4.    Communal violence and propaganda
5.    The demographic siege
6.    Negationism in India : concealin the record of Islam
7.    The problem with secularism
8.    The Saffron swastika : the notion of `Hindu fascism', 2 Vols.
9.    Still no trace of an Aryan Invasion : a collection on Indo-European origins
10.    Who is a Hindu? : Hindu revivalist views of Animism, Buddhism, …
11.    Mahatma Gandhi and His Assassin
12.    Decolonising the Hindu mind

Mission Statement of Bharatiya Vichar Manch: To promote dialogue by which Dharmic philosophy, culture, and traditions can positively influence global thought and action.

Some of the past lectures are available at: www.youtube.com/bharatiyavicharmanch


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All lectures are free of cost, including free parking.  Lectures are normally 40-50 minutes long followed by 30-40 minutes of Q & A session. 



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