Topic: Eastern Psychology – A New Hope for Modern Suffering Date/Venue: November 4th, 2018 (Sun) 1:30 PM - 3 PM @ Skyline Room, Cerritos Public Library, 18025 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos, CA, 90703

Date/Venue:  November 4th, 2018 (Sun) 1:30 PM - 3 PM @ Skyline Room, Cerritos Public Library, 18025 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos, CA, 90703
Please note the venue.

Shri Chetan Gandhi Ji
MS Engineering
MS Family & Marriage Therapy 

Shri Chetan Gandhi Ji ,  MS Engineering, MS Family & Marriage Therapy 

Topic: Eastern Psychology – A New Hope for Modern Suffering
Chetan Gandhi has Master’s Degrees in both Engineering and Counseling (Marriage and Family Therapy).  He is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist ( # 85679) and a meditation teacher.   His Master’s Thesis was on the subject of Moral and Spiritual Injury related to combat veterans. He has successfully incorporated Eastern psychology, Meditation and mindfulness into clinical practice including veterans with PTSD. 
Date/Venue:  November 4th,  2018  (Sun) 1:30 PM - 3 PM @ Skyline Room, Cerritos Public Library, 18025 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos, CA, 90703

Talk Abstract:

 Advances in science, medicine and technology have resulted in unprecedented abundance for human society.  The majority of humanity is living in an age where there is abundance.  More calories are available then I could possibility consume, more goods, more clothing etc.  Yet in survey after survey the statistics show that developed nations with abundance have some of the least happy people.  Prosperity is there but dissatisfaction remains.
               Ancient India encountered similar set of circumstances. India’s location with high mountain ranges and fertile flood plains resulted in a very prosperous society thousands of years ago.  The members of that society also experienced this dissatisfaction in a time of abundance they studied it.  They discovered that the mind and its many patterns of thinking result in suffering.  The mind is an extraordinary problem solving tool.  It processes information and creates concepts.  Very useful in the fields of mathematics, science and engineering.  They also discovered that this tool is limited and if not “minded” results in a much distorted view of reality.  The mind is the wrong tool for understanding your own nature or the nature of reality since it is limited to conceptual reality.   When used to define interpersonal or intrapersonal relationship it creates separation and conflict.  This is the world of maya or illusion.

               Eastern psychology has its basis in the Upanishads and is a practical tool for understanding oneself and relationship to reality.  It incorporates powerful tools like the many forms of Yoga, Meditation and self-discipline.  Today its influence in growing in modern world with the popularity of mindfulness, yoga and meditation techniques.  The purpose of this talk is introduce the fundamental concepts of Eastern psychology with an emphasis on the practical approach to decrease suffering to ourselves and others.  The talk covers topics including mindfulness, meditation and loving kindness techniques.

Mission Statement of Bharatiya Vichar Manch: To promote dialogue by which Dharmic philosophy, culture, and traditions can positively influence global thought and action.

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