April 22nd Event Flyer




Speaker: Shefali Chandan
Topic: History of early Indian immigration to USA since the 1700s

Web address: https://janoed.com/

Date/Venue:  April 22nd, 2018 (Sunday) 1:30 PM - 3 PM @  Gayatri Chetna Center, 2446 W Orange Ave, Anaheim, CA 92804.  Please note change in venue.

Shefali Chandan is an educator and editor of Jano (www.janoed.com), the online history magazine for Asian Indian families. She has worked for 2 decades in children’s media at organizations like Scholastic, Time Inc. and PBS Kids. Shefali has always been a history buff and now brings her extensive experience in education to craft high quality content taken from stories in history for Indians in America and elsewhere. As a micro minority, the stories of Indians in America as well as other relevant Indian history is rarely taught in schools. A knowledge of the history of one’s community goes a long way in affirming and shaping the identity of kids, especially during their teen years. This is turn promotes self-confidence and endows teens with a greater sense of agency particularly when growing up in a multicultural and multi-ethnic society like the United States.  Jano unearths some of the compelling stories buried in history and brings these to life for Indian teens. With this historical perspective, the editors of Jano believe teens will have a greater appreciation of themselves as well as of current events and popular culture. As David McCullough, the famous American historian and novelist has said, “history is who we are and why we are the way we are!”

At the upcoming lecture, Shefali will present some of her findings on the history of Indian immigration to America in the period between 1899 and 1965. This story will be presented using photographs, newspaper articles and other multimedia content. Through these primary sources, we will explore the challenges, racism, Hinduphobia and other obstacles that those early Indian pioneers experienced. Ultimately, we will see how exclusionary laws shut Indians and other minorities from coming to the US for nearly 40 years.

 Shefali lives in Reston, Virginia with her husband and daughter. You can reach her at editor.jano@gmail.com.

Mission Statement of Bharatiya Vichar Manch: To promote dialogue by which Dharmic philosophy, culture, and traditions can positively influence global thought and action.

Some of the past lectures are available at: www.youtube.com/bharatiyavicharmanch


If you want your email address to be added to the mailing list, please send an email to bvmanchla@gmail.com   Please forward the lecture invitation to your contacts who might be interested in attending.

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Going forward flyers will be posted at this web address, please save this address in your favorites section of your web browser. We will try to post the flyer for the following month lecture two weeks prior to the lecture date. This way, if you do not get an email for the lecture for any reason, the flyer can be viewed at this address.


Feel free to send an email to bvmanchla@gmail.com if you have any comments/suggestions about the lectures, would like to volunteer few hours a month to organize the lectures or want to recommend a speaker who can be invited to give a lecture. 

All lectures are free of cost, including free parking.  Lectures are normally 40-50 minutes long followed by 30-40 minutes of Q & A session. 


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