HISTORY OF GHARVAPASI (SHUDDHI, RECONVERSION) IN PRE-INDEPENDENT INDIA - Dr. Shreerang Godbole - May 15th Sun, 2022 at 630 PM (Pacific Standard Time)
HISTORY OF GHARVAPASI (SHUDDHI, RECONVERSION) IN PRE-INDEPENDENT INDIA By Dr. Shreerang Godbole Writer, Translator, Endocrinologist Time: Sunday May 15, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) https://bit.ly/3FkWl9b https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81792202503 Meeting ID: 817 9220 2503 Passcode: 12345 https://mobile.twitter.com/bvmla Mission Statement of Bharatiya Vichar Manch: To promote dialogue by which Dharmic philosophy, culture, and traditions can positively influence global thought and action. Some of the past lectures are available at: http://www.youtube.com/bharatiyavicharmanch http://www.facebook.com/bhartiyavicharmanch.la If you want your email address to be added to the mailing list, please send an email to bvmanchla@gmail.com Please forward the lecture invitation to your contacts who might be interested in attending. Sign up for our list! Going forward flyers will be posted at this web address, please save this...