Good Nationalism versus Bad Nationalism and where does Hindu Nationalism fit in - Prof Ved Nanda - Online/Zoom - Saturday, Jan 14th, 2023 at 10 AM PST
Bharatiya Vichar Manch - Online Event Saturday, January 14th - 10 AM PST, 1 PM EST Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 894 1624 6823 Passcode: 251858 Speaker: Padma Bhushan Prof Ved Nanda Topic: Good Nationalism versus Bad Nationalism and where does Hindu Nationalism fit in? Dr. Nanda is a Professor of Law at the Sturm College of Law, University of Denver and serves as Director Emeritus of the International Legal Studies Program there. In 2006, Professor Nanda was honored with the founding of the Nanda Center for International Law. He served as Vice Provost at the University of Denver from 1994-2008. He is honorary president and past president of the World Jurist Association; counselor and former honorary vice president of the American Society of International Law; and a member of the advisory council of the United States Institute of Human Rights. He was formerly the United State...